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GUEST POST: On Perceiving Our “Unseen Neighbors”

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What I know for sure, after my spiritual awakening, is that the physically visible world is just “the tip of the iceberg” of many levels of Reality.  We were never meant to exist on or sense only the physical plane. We were born with what I call “dual sensory systems”–physical senses and psychic/spiritual senses–so that we could navigate these multiple levels and realms of Reality with ease and safety.

Depending on our purpose and preferences, we access our psychic senses to a greater or lesser degree. People engaged in highly physical professions such as athletes, hairdressers, gardeners, etc, might choose to access their psychic senses less or only for very specific purposes (tuning in to guidance for best job performance or answers to problems). People in pursuits that are more intellectual or spiritual would have need for greater psychic training, skills, and access in order to best serve their purposes of teaching or guiding other people in academic, psychological, or spiritual concerns.

Whatever our work or interests, though, we cannot escape the fact that we live alongside Others–beings who are unseen but NOT unreal, invisible but NOT imaginary. And these Others, our Unseen Neighbors, can have very real, positive or negative effects on our physical lives.

Much of my work is helping people who’ve gotten on the wrong side of their Unseen Neighbors for one reason or another. I clear the spiritual and energetic interference that’s been created, and in many cases I also seem to be clearing the misunderstandings and pain that created the original clash between human and non-human beings. I feel honored to serve as a sort of “ambassador of goodwill” between humans and Others, helping both sides to live in harmony and make life better all around!

I’ll be sharing more about our Unseen Neighbors, plus doing live readings and scans along with an attunement for spiritual protection, on the JUNE 19 episode of The Paranormal MD Radio Show. If you sense that your Unseen Neighbors are NOT your Unseen Friends, I’ll be offering tips and assistance to change that. If you tune in live, you could get a personal reading or even win a F*REE Home and Property Clearing from me (a $90 value on my website)! I hope to “see” you on the air that day. 🙂

Now, another point of view on this topic. The following article is by a woman I admire, who has spent years in research and field activity with the paranormal. She’s an expert on the Djinn, a particular kind of Other who can make particularly nasty Unseen Neighbors when provoked. I appreciate her reasoned and well-articulated perspective, and I hope you will, too. Enjoy, and leave a comment to let me know what you thought!


By Rosemary Ellen Guiley
c. Visionary Living, Inc.

I was prompted to put together this article from an email I received in which a man asked “how someone would learn to perceive Djinn.” He said he didn’t want to make contact with or summon them, but thought that being able to see them “might help in preventing unfriendly encounters.”

The realms of spirits, the dead and other beings who share the planet with us are invisible most of the time. They exist alongside us, but unless we have spontaneous experiences or develop our psychic ability, we are not likely to know they are there.

Everyone is born with innate psychic ability and has the capability of developing and enhancing it. This faculty is not equal in all persons; some are naturally gifted to perceive the spirit world in extraordinary detail, while others have to work at it. Some people have to learn how to shut out the spirit world so that it does not intrude upon them. Others have to learn how to open up so that they can experience it.

“Seeing” spirits and beings, a faculty called clairvoyance or “clear seeing,” does not operate the same in all people. Some see the unseen like they see physical reality, while others get mental impressions. Some get a combination – they “see” in two levels at once. Others see little to nothing, but might “hear” spirit voices (usually as mental impressions) or have a distinct sense of “feeling” or “knowing” presences around them.

Many people have spontaneous encounters with the spirit world without seeking them out, and sometimes those experiences are unsettling in one way or another. They may not be negative experiences per se, but they cause a person to question and reevaluate their beliefs. Other people desire to have experiences with the spirit world.

There are many training options for developing the psychic faculty. Formal, structured training is advantageous, because it will teach a person how to open up, perceive and evaluate, and close down – it is important to have strong boundaries in place.

Classes in intuitive/psychic development and remote viewing (a more recent term for clairvoyance) are taught everywhere. Energy healing, such as Reiki, will also enhance the psychic faculty, as will study in shamanism, meditation, and magical/occult traditions and practices. Paranormal investigation enhances psychic ability, provided a person is not overly reliant upon equipment.

Once the psychic door is opened, it does not close, for your awareness has expanded into a broader level. Literally, the genie does not go back in the bottle. So, be careful what you ask for and seek. Learn how to stay in control.

Once the psychic door is opened, you are not going to be limited to perceiving just one or two things on your preferred short list. If you only want to see Djinn, for example, you may or may not perceive them – but you will perceive a host of things that are now revealed on your inner radar. Some of them are good, some of them are bad, and a whole lot of them fall into the ambiguous middle.

Developing the psychic faculty is like turning on a light on the astral plane. A variety of beings will see it and some will respond. What you encounter will depend on 1) the level of your ability (the more practiced you are, the more you will see); 2) your intentions and purposes in engaging with the spirit world; and 3) the interest and motives of the spirits and beings who choose to engage with you. Beings that are known for their interference, such as demons and Djinn, in general do not bother people without cause.

Developing psychic ability to perceive the spirit world is an invitation to contact and is, in a sense, a form of summoning. It is not the same as doing a ritual to evoke a spirit or being to carry out a purpose, but nonetheless it opens the door. Thus, this is not an activity for idle curiosity. Any fear within you will attract exactly what you fear. If your purpose is only to avoid potential unfriendly spirit/entity encounters, something you greatly fear, you will probably attract some entities in the mix who will give you unfriendly encounters.

Not everyone experiences dark side entities – but, if you actively seek out the spirit world, you must be prepared for all possibilities. It’s a bit like learning to drive on the freeway: the potential exists for accidents, but if you practice safe driving, you may go your entire life without so much as a fender bender.

We live on an interdimensional planet shared by a variety of spirits and beings. The boundaries between dimensions are opening up, and we are heading toward a new reality in which we will coexist with our now largely invisible neighbors. How long it will take for this shift to happen is unknown. It may be far in the future — but the process has started now. A pragmatic approach to the spirit realms can be of benefit not only to individual life and spiritual paths, but to the collective advancement as well.

However, psychic work and experience can be destabilizing even under the best of circumstances. At present, not everyone is well suited to a high level of engagement. Know yourself and choose wisely.

More Tiny True Tales of Transformation: Journey into the Paranormal

In our first installment of true client transformation stories, you got a peek at, as I said then, some “different kinds of real.” I hope you are ready to go further in this time! Reach for your trusty metaphysical machete and join me as we hack our way into the jungles of deep woo-woo known as The Paranormal…

A Lost Soul Rescued

Todd just couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something wrong with his energy lately. He was smart, in a good job, and comfortable with his well-developed psychic abilities. But recently he was aware of some sort of “off” energy around him that felt like a presence watching his every move. He couldn’t get a clear sense of what it was, and it made him uneasy. What finally prompted him to pay me a visit was the fact that he started having frightening dreams of a man at his window who was yelling at him and threatening to force his way inside.

In our session, I asked Todd some questions about when he’d first noticed this energy or presence, and learned that he had lived for a time near the site of a Revolutionary War battlefield. This gave me an idea of what had happened to Todd, so I psychically scanned him and detected an attached entity–an earthbound human soul, or ghost. It appeared to be a young man, a few years younger than Todd. I called in my spirit allies who assist with clearing these beings, and they gently detached him from Todd’s energy fields and contained him in a sphere of Divine energy. Then I was able to safely talk with him and learn a bit of his story.

He was, as I suspected, a soldier who was killed on the battlefield Todd mentioned. He had attached himself to Todd because they were of a similar age, and he had also sensed Todd’s psychic abilities and was trying to communicate. Since he hadn’t been getting through when Todd was awake, he started entering Todd’s dreams and had been shouting in frustration rather than menace! The soldier had been engaged to a young lady before going off to war, and his sudden death had shattered his cherished hopes for love and a happy life. His fiancee had married another, and the soldier’s soul had simply drifted back to the battlefield, forlorn and depressed, unable to move on. He was tired of being stuck on Earth, but needed help and guidance to go on into the Planes of Light for healing.

I called in escorting angels and opened a doorway for the young soldier to see not only his former fiancee, but others of his family waiting to welcome him with open arms. I had a vision of the young man straightening his cap and saluting Todd and me in gratitude for his release, then turning to march off into the doorway with the angels at his side. It was a very moving image, and I was deeply touched to have had the privilege of freeing not only Todd, but this young “unknown soldier” to move forward on their different journeys.

Todd has continued to work with me in creating energetic safety protocols to avoid further attachments and to protect his home from unwanted entities as well. I admire his dedication to developing his psychic abilities and staying safe in the process!

A Mysterious (ET) Device Removed

Image Credit: www.

Image Credit: www.

David arrived 30 minutes late for his appointment, apologizing profusely. This was my first clue that something was wrong, because David had seen me before and he was always punctual. He actually had a gift for being in the right place at just the right time, but that was clearly out of whack at this point!

And that wasn’t the only problem. While David was frustrated at the issues he had been experiencing with timing (in the last week he had mistakenly shown up at stores just at their closing time not just once but three times, plus running late for work and public transportation), he was far more concerned that he had basically stopped dreaming. Normally his dreams were vivid and served as sources of spiritual insight, but lately he was barely dreaming at all, and the dreams were muddy and vague. And David was truly alarmed that he also had lost his lifelong ability to visualize, as this was his major tool for manifestation.

All of these issues had shown up at about the same time, a couple of weeks prior to our appointment. I had a sense that they all stemmed from a single source, but what could it be?

I asked for clarity on the cause of David’s symptoms, and got the message that there was an energetic device in David’s energy fields that had recently been implanted by a group of extraterrestrials for observation purposes. I asked to meet with the ETs responsible, and found out that they had no harmful intent; they were just monitoring David because of his own soul’s ET origins (Pleiadian) and his ongoing interest in communicating with ETs. I had my spirit allies scan the beings to verify their truthfulness and their own origins; they were Sirians (a group I knew and was friendly with). They apologized for the “destructive interference” their device had caused, and agreed to immediately deactivate, dismantle and remove it.

Within seconds, David’s visualizing capability was restored, to his great relief. An engineer himself, David was both pragmatic and good-humored about the energetic device’s “glitches,” and even invited a re-installation once the bugs were worked out!  We both thanked the ETs for their prompt and caring assistance.

The session ended with David being able to visualize with the same clarity he had always enjoyed. After some pleasant conversation afterwards, he looked at his watch and the train schedule and saw that he had just the right amount of time to catch the train he intended. So he was “back in the timestream again,” with his gift for synchronicity also restored.  And his dreams that night brightened up to their normal Technicolor setting as well. David was de-glitched!

So there you have it: four journeys into “other kinds of real,” four transformations in THIS kind of real! Stay tuned for further Tales….