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Love and Power–A Dance of Divine Duality

As an intuitive healer, I offer my email subscribers the gift of a monthly distant energy healing. The hour I spend in transmitting Divine healing energy is often a profound experience for me, as well as for those who receive the energy. The April 7 session was particularly significant, as I felt much stronger sensations of energy transmitting and also received a clear, downloaded message from Spirit about  love and power. Below is what I shared with my subscribers after the healing.

“A theme often emerges in a group healing session, and this time the focus was EMPOWERED LOVE. I was led to use several of my rose quartz crystals in a grid pattern during the session, along with blue calcite, my crystal skulls, black tourmaline and a particularly powerful Phantom Quartz. This created quite a synergy of love, power and cleansing during the session. I received a specific message during the energy transmission as well:

Love without power is cloying and codependent; power without love is voracious and vicious. Yet, when operating in balance and union, they interweave like strands of DNA, encoding the very nature of Divine Spirit into our beings.

The Spiral Dance of Love and Power

Love brings gentleness to power, while power brings vigor to love. So the two harmonize, dance and swirl within each of us, creating a blend uniquely suited to our own vibrational presence and purpose. Some of you operate with a higher proportion of power, some with a greater portion of love. But only TOGETHER can they fully express the Divine within and through you. Know, honor and appreciate your own personal mix of Love and Power, and let your Empowered Love be fully expressed in your life, with Joy!”

Love and Power, Light and Dark–inseparable in the Divine, intertwined in us. Divine Duality Dancing. May you be swept up into the rhythm and discover your own spiral dance of Spirit!

Would you like to receive Divine healing energies each month to free your soul and energize your body? Click here for information on becoming an email subscriber of the Unboxed Oracle! Privacy is protected and benefits include a monthly newsletter with practical energy healing tips plus the free monthly distant healing. I would be honored to add you to our energized circle!